We need a Fossil Fuel Lockdown

Building the sustainable energy future

There is an unprecedented momentum for leaving the fossil fuel age behind us. And we must do it now. Before the COVID pandemic, millions of young people took to the streets to force decision-makers to understand the climate crisis we are facing. While protests had to go digital over the last several months, it does not alter the fact that patience and faith in politicians, who hesitate and waver, is fading away.

We at REN21 know that with a rapid transition to renewable energy and energy efficiency we can turn the tide. With our worldwide community of experts, we can prove that a transition to renewable energy is possible and happening – now! Together, let’s bring that knowledge to every citizen and every decision-maker throughout the world.

BLOG POST URL: https://www.ren21.net/news/videos-and-podcasts/


Oil and Gas Climate Initiative